Numbers Increase As We Count
Numbers Increase As We Count is the culmination of Ülfet Sevdi's extensive research and artistic attempt to bring public attention to the repercussions on the lives of women suffering the consequences of war in post-American occupied Iraq: displacement, abduction and forced sex-work. Weaving actual testimonies with documentation of the creation process, it aims to humanize numbers through an immersive and interactive (re)counting; an endless performance if we were to attempt to reach the actual numbers.
"Numbers Increase As We Count" Courts Imperceptibility to Great Effect - AltTheatre
Performance: des femmes en Irak - La Presse
Not a performance, but a protest - BWW
"Numbers Increase as we Count" femmes en séries - Le Devoir
Qu'en est-il des femmes? - Jeu: revue de théâtre
Creator / Director: Ülfet Sevdi
Performers: Itır Arditi, Burcu Emeç, Ülfet Sevdi
Dramaturgical Consultation: Emma Tibaldo, Sherry Yoon, Louis Patrick Leroux
Composer / Sound Designer / Live Musician: Nicolas Royer-Artuso
Lighting Designer / Technical Director: Michael Tonus
Co-Video Designer: Tori Morrison
Production Assistant: Deniz Basar
Supported by
Cole Foundation
Canada Council for the Arts
Playwrights' Workshop Montreal

© Burcu Emeç — all rights reserved